Studying at HBKsaar

Begin of studies

All studies begin annually in the winter semester.

In the winter semester 2009/2010 the HKBsaar introduced the modularized system according to the Bologna process. Students can choose between a diploma degree and a bachelor degree.


Duration and structure of study

The standard duration of the Bachelor degree programme is 8 Semesters and the standard duration of the Diplom degree programme is 10 semesters. The study programme is divided in into two study periods, the “Grundstudium” (4 semesters) and the “Hauptstudium” (respectively 4 or 6 semesters).



As a first-level professional qualification the HBKsaar awards the academic degree Bachelor of Arts for the bachelor degree programme and the degree Diplom for the Diplom degree programme. These are followed by master degrees programmes which end with the degree Master of Arts. The teacher training course is completed with the First State Examination.


Study concept

The educational concept of the HBKsaar is project orientated which means that it is based upon the principle of connecting different disciplines and skills. Thus, new teaching and study projects which cross boundaries are being developed continuously. This structure concentrates on flexibility and provides the students with an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary learning experience.

Beside a close interconnection with several scientific and cultural institutions such as the Saarland University, the Academy of Music, the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, and the neighbouring academies of Fine Arts in France, the HBKsaar sees a further challenge in the confrontation with specific assignments given by public and private enterprises with the aim of increasing the students’ awareness for recent and future developments of the society. This co-operation results in semester works which deal with concrete design projects as well as art-projects in public space.


Further the HBKaar cultivates an extensive international cooperation with universities of art and design all over the world. The international orientation, the practice-based instruction and the interdisciplinary concept which integrate the fields of art, design and scientific research offer student an interesting and stimulating study environment.

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